Tuesday 18 February 2014

The Effects of Heroin Use

As a derivative of morphine-a naturally occurring product of the poppy plant- heroin has plenty of negative consequences. For one thing, street drugs have no quality assurance; you have no idea what might be mixed in with them. At the same time, heroin is powerfully addictive. Frequent users understand what the heroin high is like and are always ready to recreate the sensation. In fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, heroin is the most abused drug in its class. Users who inject the drug are at an increased risk of several communicable diseases including HIV and hepatitis.

Short-Term Effects of Heroin

The immediate effect of being high on heroin is described as a rush, an intense feeling of pleasure. This occurs because the drug passes into the brain very quickly. The skin may feel warm, and the user may experience a heavy feeling in the arms and legs. After the rush subsides, users often feel drowsy and uncoordinated for several hours.
As a short-term effect, heroin also dulls pain, and similar drugs such as morphine are very effective medications for severe and chronic pain. The active components of heroin bind to certain nerve receptors in the brain, preventing the transmission of pain signals. Some users view their use of heroin as a form of self-medication, but the negative effects are too serious for this to be a wise choice

Side Effects

Not all side effects of heroin are pleasant. Sometimes the initial rush can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting or itching. Even worse, taking too much of the drug at once can result in depressed breathing, a slow heart rate and unconsciousness. A heroin overdose is a potentially fatal event if not treated quickly. Fortunately, there are effective medical remedies for a heroin overdose. A quick injection of adrenaline will counteract the depressant effects of the drug, speeding up the heart and returning respiration rates to normal.

Long-Term Effects of Heroin

Addiction is the primary long-term effect of heroin abuse. The longer you use heroin, the stronger the addiction becomes. A true addict has one purpose in life-to acquire more of the drug. Other responsibilities, such as work and family, fall by the wayside.
Users who inject heroin often suffer from collapsed veins, bruising, bacterial infections, arthritis and serious infectious diseases like AIDS. These users are often injecting themselves with dirty shared needles. The rush experienced from intravenous drug use is significantly more powerful than other methods of ingestion, which explains its popularity.
With addiction comes tolerance and dependence. Tolerance to heroin means that over time, more of the drug is required to reach the same level of euphoria. Dependence often coexists with tolerance, but they are not the same thing. The Cleveland Clinic explains that dependence means a person’s body has adapted to the drug. Removing the drug will create a series of withdrawal symptoms.

Heroin Dependency

Like all opiate drugs, heroin leads to dependency in users who have maintained the habit for long enough. If someone dependent on heroin suddenly stops taking the drug, he will experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. These include body aches, muscle aches, nausea, insomnia, restlessness, cold flashes and leg twitches. These symptoms usually peak within two days of the last dose of heroin disappear completely within a week. While not fun, heroin withdrawal is not a dangerous medical condition. The symptoms, however, often compel a user to keep using rather than experience withdrawal.

Heroin Withdrawal Treatment

Treatment for heroin addiction and heroin withdrawal begins with admitting that there’s a problem. Rehab and recovery requires a serious commitment to get healthy. Once that commitment is made, treatment is not that difficult-and the rewards are immense. A life without heroin is an attainable goal, no matter how strong your addiction is.
A heroin rehab center offers a safe and welcome environment in which to overcome the initial withdrawal symptoms. Certain medications can ease the body aches or nausea normally associated with heroin withdrawal.
Natural remedies, including a healthy diet and exercise, can also smooth out the bumps of detox and withdrawal. Long-term recovery, however, calls for a different approach, one centered on mental wellbeing more so than physical.
Sustained recovery from heroin addiction requires a strong social network. This includes both individual and group therapy sessions with fellow recovering addicts. A licensed therapist or psychiatrist can help identify the reasons for heroin abuse and suggest steps to take to prevent relapse. Being honest with friends and family about your struggles is another way to safeguard a healthy future.

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